What do you get when you cross 30 enophiles with with some of the best wine in the world? A Cellar Treasure Event, of course. That is exactly what took place at the Heidelberg Distributor’s Event Room in Hebron, Kentucky on a blustery evening in January. Thirty Mondiale members and guests from the Cincinnati Bailliage heeded the charge that was given to them by Bailli George Elliott to bring a bottle of their best cellared wine to share with each other.
Following a scrumptious buffet prepared by Funky’s Catering, we all voted for the top wine of the evening and the award went to Professionnel du Vin Carmen and Paul Parks for their 2002 Hundred Acre offering which garnered 100 points from Robert Parker and the praise from all of us in attendance. Professionnel du vin Parks was presented with a Vinfrared corkscrew and bragging rights until our next cellar treasures event. At the conclusion of the evening, we all thanked Vice Echanson Monnin and Bailli Elliot for a memorable evening of phenomenal wines, dazzling cuisine, and the chance to share all of this with friends.
Graig Smith, Chargé de Presse