Perhaps winning the prize for hosting the most Chaîne events, Vice Chargé de Mission Clint Haynes and his wife Jean welcomed the Cincinnati bailliage for its eighth annual dine-around at their country home. Clint and Jean were joined by three more generations of the Haynes family! Ninety-one (91) people weathered the sweltering August heat and humidity to join in what is undoubtedly one of the most anticipated Chaîne gatherings of the year.
Our incredible team of volunteers—anchored by Chevalier Pat Gaito, Vice Conseiller Gastronomique Chuck Hong, Echanson Provincial Mary Horn, Chevalier Shannon Read, and Chevalier Dan Morrow—lavished their culinary skills on fellow Chaîne members. Preparations started early in the day. Mary Horn procured 30 pounds of lake perch which was deep fried and served with her delicious homemade tartar sauce and coleslaw. Pat Gaito prepared four side salads, brought 40 pounds of salmon (smoked and grilled by Shannon Read and Dan Morrow), and also steamed 30 pounds of mussels (served to Pat’s secret specifications). Chuck Hong prepared fried oyster sliders topped with aioli, modeled after a Cincinnati-favorite dish from Salazar restaurant. Chevaliers Read and Morrow did double-duty overseeing the friers for hush puppies and fried bread with assistance from Chevalier Andy Jobe, Chevalier Eric Durbin, and Carol Durbin.
Adding to the buffet menu, Dame de la Chaîne Martha Coors prepared a salad of mixed greens and Michigan cherries. Vice Chargé de Mission Don Buckley and Dame de la Chaîne Marilyn Buckley stepped up as pinch hitters to help with frying fish, setting up tables, opening wine, and cleaning up! This event only happens because of the involvement and commitment of so many dedicated Chaîne members!
The Haynes Farm event is not just about food. It’s also about sharing good wine and charitable giving with good people. As is Cincinnati’s custom for dine-arounds, each person brought a bottle of fine wine to share throughout the event. Mary Horn and Echanson Honoraire Mike Monnin set up a silent auction comprised of wine left over from previous Chaîne events. The auction proceeds totaled $8,120. These funds will be used to make a contribution to the culinary job training programs (Cincinnati Cooks and Second Course) sponsored by the Freestore Foodbank, as well as to help underwrite Cincinnati’s participation in the national Young Chef program.
In the sweet light of day, the event was topped off with a sweet treat: homemade ice cream prepared by Clint Haynes and his daughter Amanda Jobe (with help from grandchildren Eva and Noah) and peach cobbler made by Mary Horn. It was the perfect end to a perfect summer day of camaraderie, fine wine, and great food—all for a worthy cause.
Graig Smith, Vice Chargé de Presse