The Cincinnati Bailliage held its annual Young Chef Competition at the Midwest Culinary Institute on November 5, 2017 followed by a Dine Around dinner at the Postmark Restaurant. Young aspiring chefs from around the city met to compete for the chance to go to the regional Midwest competition which will be held in March of 2018 in Cincinnati.
Contestants were given a mystery basket containing chicken, a variety of squashes, potatoes, and apples. The “ringer” ingredient this year was a Mexican marigold which few if any of the young chefs had ever seen. Lead judge for the event was Chef Rôtisseur Alan Neace who was joined by Chef Jean Robert de Cavel, Paul Parks, and Laura Lindall as additional tasting judges.
Young chefs Kiyanna Bell, Dee Byrd, and Gad Asher won first, second, and third place respectively and were the guests of honor at the dinner that evening at the Postmark Restaurant.
The restaurant is housed in a building that previously served as the local post office and is uniquely decorated with postal antiques and prints. Members brought a bottle of wine per person to share while enjoying an exquisite menu which included Goat Cheese Brûlée, Beef Short Ribs, and a Hazelnut Chocolate Torte.
Vice Chargé de Mission Clint Hayes and Carmen Parks, Chef Neace, and Bailli George Elliot worked hard to continue this annual event which promotes Cincinnati’s young upcoming culinary talent. Members were grateful for the opportunity to participate in such a worthy event for deserving young chefs.
Graig Smith, Vice Chargé de Presse